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The headlines these days are rife with examples of businesses large and small who have suffered severe network security events. Unfortunately, a majority of these events are made possible by the inattentiveness of companies to their network infrastructures’ security. An inordinate amount are due to an unwillingness by businesses to believe that they will be a victim to nefarious network attacks. The truth is, all organizations are targets to be attacked. Many will be. Sommita is partnered with the industry leaders of managed security services to yield for our clients’ defense. To us, no network is ever truly complete unless it is secured.

Unified Email Security Management

Cloud-based threat protection for email systems and services.

  • Multi-level SPAM, malware and advanced phishing defense, message encryption and email message archiving

Dedicated Denial of Service (DDoS)

Preemptive protection against malicious network cyber-attacks.

  • Service provider sourced defense of a business’ network perimeter stopping attacks before they happen

Intrusion Protection (IPS) and Intrusion Detection (IDS) Service

24/7 monitoring for attempted network breaches and constantly evolving defense against future intrusions

  • Network edge barrier between a company’s data assets and those who seek to steal or damage them

Next Generation Managed Firewall

Network service provider management of IP data inflow and outflow from business networks

  • Port, protocol and route path protection and control without capital intensive investment hardware that is quick to obsolescence.


Please access the links below for market research and analytical data about Network Infrastructure as a technology and a concept.