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With the ramp up of dependence on virtualized, cloud-based technology comes an even greater reliance by businesses upon their network infrastructure – whether it be wired or wireless, private or public. We understand from decades of experience that just throwing bandwidth at a network problem does not always solve it. That is why Sommita works with customers to ensure their network infrastructures are built for speed as well as performance and security.

Wide Area Networking – SASE, SD WAN, Fiber, Internet

Network connectivity services unifying disparate and remote business locations

  • Direct communication and data flow between all points of a business’ physical sites leveraging such methods as:
    • SASE – Secure Access Service Edge – SASE is a category created by Gartner that converges SD-WAN and Security into a global cloud service. Gartner says the old way of deploying point solutions will not work when businesses move to the cloud and need to provide remote access to everyone. Instead of thinking about SD-WAN, security, and remote access as separate projects, you should look at a SASE platform that can let you gradually address all these requirements.
    • SD WAN – Software Defined Wide Area Network – the method by which today’s business can look to injecting greater efficiency into the performance and management of their wide area networks by using software-driven logic and artificial intelligence into directing data traffic flows into and out of the most common destination:  the cloud.

Colocation & Data Center

High powered, security hardened facilities providing housing for computing and network systems

  • Carrier-grade sites with carrier grade power, cooling, security and multi-network connectivity

Satellite IP and Cellular Data Connectivity

Unwired Internet connectivity  4G/LTE & global satellite access

  • Wireless connectivity at broadband speeds able to deliver primary and secondary access

International Network Services

Worldwide voice & data, public and private network connectivity

  • Single source connectivity for US businesses with international locations


Please access the links below for market research and analytical data about Network Infrastructure as a technology and a concept.