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About Us


Sommita Technology Group, LLC.


Steve Giliberto

Phone: 206.783.4742

Our promise is to put technology to its best use for your business. We help you to work smarter – not harder – with technology.

Two distinct but complimentary passions.

Founder Steve Giliberto was driven to build Sommita by two passions.  The first is technology. From the early days of his career when he first heard a 56K modem screech its way into the ether to find and connect with another of its kind, he sensed a door opening to unlimited possibilities. Even today, that wonder and excitement continues as we have now shrunk the earth enough to access all corners of human knowledge and fit it in the palm of our hand.

The second passion is with the many facets of building and growing a business. The courage it takes, the vision it requires, the infinite amount of roll-up-your-sleeves work that must be expended day in and day out. Over the course of a nearly 25-year career as a technologist and entrepreneur, he have seen first-hand simple moments of inspiration turn into grand successes as well as the grandest schemes become the greatest of failures.

The distance between those two points is far shorter than most would expect. The goal, through Sommita, is to bring these two passions together to serve as a trusted advisor, developing valued relationships with clients for the long term, carefully and honestly and realistically guiding them towards the technologies that allow them to take in the view from the top.

Our history

Sommita Technology Group LLC was formed in January 2003 with one specific purpose in mind: to leverage a wealth of experience earned by consulting customers on their technology infrastructures by applying it in an unbiased, straightforward and practical manner.

Our commitment

We know intimately the benefits technology can provide to businesses and people. Conversely, we resist the notion that technology should be used just for technology’s sake.

Our commitment is to leverage technology to your business’ best advantage. What makes us unique in our consultative method is a craftsmanship-style approach for selecting, deploying and managing technology solutions for our clients. Solutions that must, in the final analysis, fit the needs and requirements of their business with precision and practicality.

We strive to make our team a member of your team.